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Whacky colour changes, magic disappearing water, blowing up dustbins, clouds of steam, thunder air explosions. Are you ready to fasten your seatbelts and enj...

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In this video we cause an aluminum sheet to fail structurally using gallium metal. For this experiment a 1mm thick aluminum sheet was used. Simply score/scra...


The study focused on three fields of science: biology, chemistry, and physics. The data were collected shortly after the introduction in many countries of reforms in science education. Thus, the study was concerned not only with achievement across the domain of science, but also with attitudes, methods of teaching, the development of practical skills, and an understanding of the nature of science. The data were collected in 1970–1971.
<br> Key Findings are given as well as major publications and a Link to the Study website.


Das Projekt ´´Science Across the World´´ untersützt projektbezogene Zusammenarbeit von Schulen in den Fächern Biologie und Chemie. Themen wie z.B. Artenvielfalt um uns, Hausmüll, Trinkwasser, werden bearbeitet und liegen als mehrsprachige Unterrichtsmaterialien vor.


Englischsprachige Zusammenstellung von Datenquellen zu verschiedenen Fächern (9.-12. Klasse), Unterteilung nach Fächern ( Astronomy,
Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Computers, Earth & Environmental, Science, Engineering, Health and Medicine, Mathematics, Meteorology, Physics, Monthly Sci/Math Topic) . Teilweise didaktisches Material.