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referral programs
App-Entwicklung Unternehmen
app development company
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Protecting a startup from being stolen and cloned: Could copying or cloning your application be a pleasant surprise? "No way," you think. I would agree with you, but if you pay attention to protecting your product, not only after the release but also at the stage of the idea's birth, then you strongly tie the hands of dishonest competitors. If this unfortunate cloning happens, you can easily prove your ownership and receive justice. Yes, you will lose some time; but cloning your product won’t crash your startup. In fact, it could be a kind of confirmation of its success. Read more at https://appus.software/blog/how-to-protect-app-ideas-from-being-stolen


Affiliate and referral programs are not a new tool for business development. The main thing in a partnership of this kind is that it is mutually beneficial. We offer two partnership schemes that can become a source of additional income, which do not require investments or effort, and function as a tool for business growth and optimization by involving additional specialists in current projects. https://appus.software