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In einem virtuellen Labor kann man mit Stabmagneten, Elektromagneten, Induktionsspulen, Transformatoren und einem Generator experimentieren.

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Play with a bar magnet and coils to learn about Faraday's law. Move a bar magnet near one or two coils to make a light bulb glow. View the magnetic field lines. A meter shows the direction and magnitude of the current. View the magnetic field lines or use a meter to show the direction and magnitude of the current. You can also play with electromagnets, generators and transformers!


In diesem grafischen Schaltkreis-Baukasten kann man aus Quellen, Leitungen und Bauelementen verschiedene Schaltkreise erstellen, simulieren und den Stromfluss veranschaulichen.

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This new version of the CCK adds capacitors, inductors and AC voltage sources to your toolbox! Now you can graph the current and voltage as a function of time.