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Below is a list of educational applications and platforms to help parents, teachers, schools and school systems facilitate student learning and provide social caring and interaction during periods of school closure. While these solutions do not carry UNESCO’s explicit endorsement, they tend to have wide reach, a strong user-base and evidence of impact. Most of the solutions are free and several support multiple languages.

If you a digital learning provider and have a robust product that you think warrants inclusion in the list of resources below, please send an email to COVID19taskforce@unesco.org (link sends e-mail).

Tags der Webseite

Below is a list of educational applications and platforms to help parents, teachers, schools and school systems facilitate student learning and provide social caring and interaction during periods of school closure. While these solutions do not carry UNESCO’s explicit endorsement, they tend to have wide reach, a strong user-base and evidence of impact. Most of the solutions


The Impact of Poverty and Homelessness on Children’s
Oral and Literate Language: Practical Implications for
Service Delivery
from a presentation at ASHA Schools Conference
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
July 28, 2012
By Celeste Roseberry-McKibbin, PhD
California State University, Sacramento
San Juan Unified School District
I. Key Points
● Statistics regarding poverty in the U.S.
● Factors that impact low-SES students’ linguistic and academic achievement
● Effects of poverty on oral and literate language development
● Suggestions for supporting low-SES parents in increasing their children’s language skills
● Strategies for professionals for increasing the oral and written language skills of low-SES students
● Executive functioning deficits in students and summary of remediation strategies

Miss Brightie

World information, including data, countries, financial issues, gender issues, disease, natural resources, etc.

Tags der Webseite

worldbank.org - The World Bank Group offers loans, advice, and an array of customized resources to more than 100 developing countries and countries in transition