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Kollaboratives Whiteboard: draw.chat
Auch draw.chat ist ein kostenloser Whiteboard-Service, der sogar noch einen Chat anbietet und außerdem erlaubt, die eigene Kamera und Ton an alle zu übertragen. Ich habe das nicht näher getestet, es sieht aber vielversprechend aus. Das Verschieben von bereits gezeichneten Elementen scheint allerdings nicht möglich zu sein.

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Draw.Chat is a free, anonymous, online drawing board. You can create your chat room with one click - without any registration. Every whiteboard has a unique, randomly generated URL which you can send to other people to start draw online.

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WhiteBoard: The white board can be shared among many people and used simultaneously. It is a good solution for presentations, lectures, brainstorming, playing, etc. Using it as simple as using a wall white board with the convenience of on-line features. You don't need any special software or plug-ins, you don't need to be registered or logged in, we don't collect any information from you, just open the link below with your favorite browser which supports HTML5 specification.