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app monetization strategy
make money from app
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Today making a mobile app seems like an attractive business opportunity but really how beneficial can it be without the right monetization strategy? The entire ideation and development process might seem like fun, but once the app is out there in the market, if it is not making you money then all that fun seems like a waste of time.

With that being said, what does it really take to make proper money with your app? How to build a proper monetization strategy? For that you need a good look into the market to see what your rivals are doing. Once you have taken the measure of their business model, you have to see how that can apply to your app and would it really benefit you. Remember that your app needs to be unique and one of a kind to really propose some kind of value to the users. Otherwise whatever monetization strategy you are making will not work out.

Choosing the monetization strategy also depends on your target audience and the monetization model they respond to the most. Not every money making technique works out with all the audience so make sure to research your audience well before applying any kind of mobile app monetization strategy.