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WiseMapping is a free, fast and simple online mind mapping editor for individuals and business. Sign up to start organizing and sharing your ideas and thoughts.

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WiseMapping is a free, fast and simple online mind mapping editor for individuals and business. Sign up to start organizing and sharing your ideas and thoughts.

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FreeQuizDome ist eine kostenlose Software für anonymisierte Umfragen und Votings bei Großgruppen. Es kann eingesetzt werden z.B. im akademischen Kontext in Seminaren und Vorlesungen, aber auch in Workshops, auf Tagungen etc.

Almut Köster-Richter

TOOLS has developed a free online tool, which enables you to create media rich webpages for language learning. The unique feature of this free online tool is the way it treats embedded texts, at the touch of a button all words are automatically linked to our bespoke dictionary interface Multidict, which places online dictionaries in +100 languages at the user’s disposal, thereby enabling them to interrogate the text at their own pace and according to their own personal need.

The fully online tool has been optimised for mobile devices (e.g. iPads, smartphones etc.) thereby ensuring that content can be created and enjoyed on the move.

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tools for developing materials for less widely used and taught languages TWUTL. Free online Language teaching and learning tools, copyleft, materials, methods, teacher training, and development of software

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Longman English Dictionary is the leading dictionary for learners of English of all ages and levels who want to learn more about English: definition, idioms, examples and more.

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English at work: a mobile friendly multiple choice online quiz for English language students, which tests whether students understand the difference between formal and informal language in the workplace, and situations when the formal register needs to be used, rather than informal language. Part of a free series of ESOL For Work lessons about English in the workplace. Suitable for use in class or for self-study at home.