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The SDA is an association sans but lucratif (asbl), this is a not-for-profit organisation recognised under Belgian law.
It was founded in May 2004 by the ETUC.

As a matter of fact, the SDA works closely with the ETUC and is supported by the ITUC, several European Industry Federations, various national trade union confederations and union institutes for training and research.

The ‘Infopoint’ project is managed by the SDA and it constitutes the core of its activities.

The SDA’s tasks are mainly focused on promoting the European social dimension, with a specific interest in European Social Dialogue. More specifically, the SDA team carry out the following activities:

participate in and carry out specific projects relating to social issues
promote activities relating to social dialogue
promote the international dimension of social dialogue
develop advisory services and assistance for European Works Councils and workforce representatives in SE’s (European Companies)disseminate results and experiences in the area of social dialogue
undertake public relations activities in the field of social dialogue
organise expert networking systems