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Lernort Labor (LeLa), ist das Zentrum für Beratung und Qualitätsentwicklung von Schülerlaboren im mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Bereich. Es ist im Leibniz-Institut für die Pädgogik der Naturwissenschaften an der Universität Kiel angesiederlt. Schülerlabore haben seit Ende der 1990 er Jahre in Deutschland an vielen Universitäten, Forschungseinrichtungen, Science Centern, Museen und in der Industrie ihre Pforten geöffnet. Sie bieten für Kinder und Jugendliche Forschung zum Anfassen, Ausprobieren und Verstehen. Auf der Website eine <ahref=http://www.lernort-labor.de/AllLabs.php?fl=9&tl=2&gt; bundesweite Übersichtskarte Schülerlabore </a>. Veröffentlichungen Downloads, Film.


The purpose of the study was to examine science achievement and its correlates in the participating countries and to study trends in science achievement from the first testing, which took place in 1970&#8211;1971. The student tests were developed for the three age groups of students and included a number of science topics. For each topic, three types of activities were tested: - knowledge - understanding of a principle and - application of information and principles to solve a practical problem. The science test was complemented by questionnaires for students, teachers, and school principals.
<br> Key Findings are given as well as major publications and a Link to the Study website.


The study focused on three fields of science: biology, chemistry, and physics. The data were collected shortly after the introduction in many countries of reforms in science education. Thus, the study was concerned not only with achievement across the domain of science, but also with attitudes, methods of teaching, the development of practical skills, and an understanding of the nature of science. The data were collected in 1970&#8211;1971.
<br> Key Findings are given as well as major publications and a Link to the Study website.