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Agatha Christie
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Mit dabei sind zudem unter anderem Penélope Cruz, Willem Dafoe, Judi Dench, Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer und Daisy Ridley

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Agatha Christie hat berühmte Figuren wie Miss Marple und Hercule Poirot erschaffen. Aber auch ihr eigenes Leben hatte einiges an Dramatik zu bieten.


Murder on Orient Expressby Agatha Christie"Murder on the Orient Express" Novel (1934)Murder on The Orient Express, written in 1934, is considered a Golden Age, between-the wars, or classic mystery novel. Christie's novels accurately portray the life of upper-middle class, British men and women of this period.

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From a general summary to chapter summaries to explanations of famous quotes, the SparkNotes Murder on the Orient Express Study Guide has everything you need to ace quizzes, tests, and essays.